CLIENT: Internet Car Design Competition
When I first got to Designskolen Kolding for a semester exchange I was broke, so I decided to look for a design competition with weak entries and an imminent closing deadline. Additionally I only gave myself 12 hours to work on the project, so I found a 'Future Car for Amsterdam' competition on a car designer website with a 5000 Euro grand prize as voted by the public (read: young car fetishists).
With the biking culture and density of Amsterdam I decided to add a few extra stipulations: firstly it had to be very compact for parking - so I decided on 1 square meter for parking space, which would also allow for robotic automated car parking. Secondly and it also had to be really fun to ride/drive to combat the utilitarian image of electric (future) cars - both for the potential voters, and because why should our commutes be boring and uniform? Lastly it had to be inclusive to all, which meant ease of entry and exit particularly for the elderly - no bending into a small car, just step into the car.
I did some very quick drawings and cardboard models before some fast Solidworks renders. The result looks a little like the Popemobile, but given the very short deadline the styling was essentially first attempt. However there are some interesting possibilities. The single person car uses automated driving when required, and can sync with other '12-Hour' cars to create a non-coupled car train in which the cars detection avoidance works together increasing safety and reducing aerodynamic drag and congestion. The cars can be lifted by clip on the roof for use on real trains or carparks for high-density parking. It uses computer controlled suspension and steering that adjusts the attitude of the car to create a dynamic and rhythmic ride reminiscent of a motorcycle, but with greater safety and weather protection. It is rear wheel powered.
I took 15 hours to design and render it in the end and missed the entry deadline, but I still like the idea.