Biokinesis – Electromagnetic Grids

CLIENT:                     Unitec

PROJECT DATE:       2011-2013


This is a component of my current Masters project.  The project seeks to remove dennotative symbol based communication with an abstract interface that uses movement to convey interface logic.

The magnetic grid is made of PWM controlled electromagnets arrayed in a hexagonal structure.  These coils are located under a ‘tray’ of ferrous powder that responds to the changes in flux.  By utilising a matrixed output it is possible to power the coils in much the same way as an LED grid.  Users can gesture within the ‘flux aligned’ powder giving additional haptic feedback, or above it, by use of an optical encoder (I have currently left this part of the project aside in order to concentrate on the grid itself). The coils have been analysed with FEA (FEMM) for the optimal distribution of flux.

Interestingly this grid produces hexidecimal outputs natively which may have application elsewhere and reduces computational overhead.

As this is part of my current Masters it should be seen as an ongoing work in development.


BK 10 - Test Animation from Ben Jarrett on Vimeo.

P1090675 from Ben Jarrett on Vimeo.

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