
    Tone Arm Study

    Here is a tone arm study that I am working on/    

    36 Hour Car

    I have been kicking the idea of a one-person car that can lean into corners, as well as stand up, to make it a viable city car.  Here is the current version:  

    Biokinetic Animation

    BK2 Render #2 from Ben Jarrett on Vimeo.   In order to visualise the biokinetic interface I was proposed for my Masters, I simulated the look using the Animation function from within Solidworks + Photoworks.  It's a bad way to animate, in that the model still acts as a Solid, therefor[...]

    xCoAx Paper

    Leveraging some of the work that I completed in my Masters project, I applied for - and got accepted to - the xCoAx journal proceedings in Portugal. From the conference: The “x factor" in xCoAx – that spellbinding glue that holds arts, computation and communication together – is what makes thi[...]

    Castiglione Stool Redux _01

    Today I brought a large ball, with the express intention of using it to create a concrete cast for the base of a tall stool with a bicycle seat.  With a history of having back pain, and having used a sit/stand desk for some years, I have a nascent theory about the need for 'micro-inflections' in[...]

    Master of Design Thesis

    Entitled 'Heteropoetic Mediation - the Emergence of Biokinesis':    

    Memo Akten & MSA Fluid

    Although I have often seen examples of his work, I finally identified Memo Akten as the architect of some of the coolest fluid particle systems interactions using his library MSA Fluid.  This library is ported across to many languages, including Processing! Some of his work:     [...]

    Processing: Starfire 2.28

    There are some mathematical relationships that I don't quite understand here...but it's pretty nonetheless:

    White Spiky Field

    I should have posted this some time ago.  I built a larger 5x5 grid using the same Neodymium magnets that I used in an earlier experiment.  The flux is a lot less strong than when they were close coupled.  This tallies with conversations that I have had with electromagnet engineers around the nature[...]

    Multiple Electromagnets: Grid

    In order to test my hypothesis regarding the use of PWM controlled electromagnets arrayed within a grid structure I have made a prototype.  The Arduino Duemilanove board that I am using has 6 native Pulse Width Modulation outputs, so that is how many I used.  However a better test would have been wi[...]

    Morphing Buttons

    In an attempt to illustrate the simple idea of pushing interface logic far beyond logical complexity into the area of complex intuition - I made this simple video:   Buttons Pattern Morph from Ben Jarrett on Vimeo.

    3rd Workshop Synopsis

    I had to make a short synopsis as context for the visiting critics to read prior to my 3rd Workshop presentation: Asynchronic events and disproportions caused by the contin­uously changing matrix-worlds of personalized, globalized, user-generated content are relegating form back into the orders o[...]

    Electrocuting Squids

    There are some striking parallels between what I am trying to achieve and this squid being electrocuted with Cypress Hill.  Weird, and not a link that I may have necessarily made: During experiments on the axons of the longfin squid in Woods Hole, we were taken in by the beauty of the fast ch[...]

    Diagramatic Investigations


    Interface Visualisation

    Here is a still from a Solidworks animation that I am working on to establish whether a 300mm x 300mm tray will be suitable for an end product. Assuming 8mm diameter electromagnets, what does the consequent 30 x 30 'pixel' interface allow us to do? incidentally, the 300mm square in not arbitrary - i[...]

    Biokinetic Interface 1.0

    I finally made this animation to actually visualize what may be when a neural network starts to fire electromagnets. It has been most illuminating/ The interludes are completely indistinct between the tracks both in terms of logic and in terms of tactile interfacing....what constitutes PLAY fo[...]


    These are the parameters that I am trying to understand and deliver upon.

    Pin Musical

    This device is interesting/

    New Interface Influences

    Here are some more recent interface possibilities taken from other sources:

    Bridget Riley - OP Art

    Bridget Riley, the British Op Artist alludes to some of the same forms as I am exploring.....

    The Tango Brain

    Professor Petri Toiviainen of the Center of Musical Excellence at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland helped create this amazing animation. To me, it is really incredible how the brain seems to be reacting to individual notes, rather than passages, or clusters, of notes.... "This animation sho[...]

    Hairy Interfaces

    I have been experimenting with overlaying a tweaked "CC Hair" effect from AE over videos of different movements in order to remove the representational nature of the images and look instead at the underlying kinetic patterns, whether stable or unstable.


    Some interesting work that has some aesthetic commonality to the work that I am doing... "Produced by onformative and chopchop the “unnamed soundsculpture” is a project by Daniel Franke & Cedric Kiefer, building from the simple idea of creating a moving sand sculpture from the recorded mo[...]

    IDM Test Results

    Here is a small video wall using the feed from the Interface Design Machine that I installed in the foyer of Unitec Building One in November 2011. The initial response was very good with some 150 participants - validating the Sottsass/Olivetti red colour scheme - but the longevity of the interact[...]

    Potential Interface Animations

    Here is a grouping of animations that I made to explore some tentative designs as Solidworks animation sketches in order to understand the territory of biokinetic interfacing (there is some overlap with other posts in the interest of a concise database):

    Wave amplifier animation

    An animation of the wave amplifier, exploring some basic ideas around it's use...

    Okinohama Sand

    It was while walking along Okinohama beach, in Koichi prefecture on the island of Shikoku in Japan that I first thought about using sand as a medium for communication. Here is a short montage of some of the forms that I saw as I wandered along the beach...thinking/

    Bachelor of Final Project

    This was my final project for my Bachelor of Product Design at Unitec. [...]

    IDM Machine #1

    What. a. time. soak. Bad. RAM. HDDs. Bugs. Wow. Finished. Satisfying.

    Magnetic Fields

    20 Hz from Semiconductor on Vimeo. Wow. This is very close to what I have (rightly or wrongly) envisioned as the interface....except this is taken from a completely different source: "20 Hz observes a geo-magnetic storm occurring in the Earth's upper atmosphere. Working with data collected[...]

    Initial Presentation

    Here a couple of slides from the initial presentation for my candidature/

    Ovid Casework

    I just found several GB worth of photos after tidying up my external HDDs. Here are some photos of the Ovid amplifier case that I made for my undergraduate project. The individual waves were to be generated from music files selected by the client and sent through an algorithm that would create a [...]

    Initial Masters Proposal

    MASTERS BY PROJECT PROPOSAL / _BEN JARRETT TITLE Heteropoetic Mediation – The Emergence of Biokinetic Interfacing INTRODUCTION This project may be seen as an extension of several design themes that I have engaged with over my undergraduate studies, and particularly within my final project. D[...]

    Emotional Longevity

    Reading Pieter Desmet's paper; 'A Multilayered Model of Product Emotions', I was stuck by one passage: A well established psychological principle is that people are 'intrinsically' motivated to seek and maintain an optimal level of arousal. A shift away from this optimal level is unpleasant. Sinc[...]

    Processing - My first sketch

    After much procrastination, I finally sat down and actually started to write some code, as opposed to skimming the books that I have brought. I was surprised at how intuitive it is at this basic level....here is one of my first sketches in which you move your mouse around to create the graphics and[...]

    kinetic sculpture as interface agents

    I have been looking at examples of kinetic sculpture as possible interface precursors - most of these examples have mechanical issues that would render them unfit for my purposes, but it is the magic(!) that interests me...

    El Fish

    This game was a pioneer on many levels - not the first being a collabration betwwen Russian and American software companies in 1993 (!) - the generational and bespoke nature of a game taht has very tight constraints (camera view) is what interests me.... From Wikipedia: El-Fish was created by [...]

    Len Lye - Free Radicals

    The great New Zealand pioneer Len Lye exploring some of the possibilities that kinetic abstract movement can facilitate:

    Visual Grammar

    I have begun to think that it is impossible to convey intentional meaning from static abstract shape/images without the parietal lobe imprinting a representational overlay on it - this relies on cultural and historical knowledge, and thus is a poor communicator for interfacing consistent meaning if [...]

    Todd Scholarship Funding

    Great news! I have received a scholarship from the Todd Foundation.  This scholarship is aimed at extending technical and scientific competitiveness within New Zealand institutions and is granted to purchase equipment that fits into this aim.  My sincere thanks to the Todd Foundation and my tutors f[...]

    Graduation Show Animation

    A short, last minute Solidworks animation for the Graduation Show that I have very belatedly uploaded. It reminds me that I need to re-animate this sequence again, with better colour values and increase the complexity of the movement in the amplifier casing to better express the base ideas of a inte[...]

    Solidworks amplifier study


    Solidworks loudspeaker model


    Amplifier Wave studies

    I made a series of amplifier wave studies out of coreflute - primarily to see how the front corner would integrate together.  

    Amplifier Design

    In order to understand the ergonomic realities of the amplifier design I created a set of mock ups using a variety of materials - this led to the rear panel design of the control amplifier being divided into a three distinct parts: analog input/digital input and the central insect section housing th[...]

    aesthetic projection

    By using the simple technique of projecting image onto the concrete test model that I made, I have been able to generate a slew of images that simulate the intended bespoke nature of each loudspeaker,,,,

    survey uploaded

    If you would like to participate in the audio equipment survey that I have designed, please go here.

    General Thoughts - 2nd September

    Untitled from Ben Jarrett on Vimeo.

    clay amplifier casing studies

    I have been making a series of clay models to experiment with ideas for the amplifier casing....it has lead me to a vague ideas about a squid related shape - seeing it as away to integrate the cabling in a holistic way, maybe? Today's thought only? Who knows.....more experimentation is due here/ [...]

    illustrator files

    Here are some of the illustrator files that I have created/


    Some of the early conceptual drawings.....

    Word Association

    I made a quick word cloud in order to get a handle on some of the emotions that I want to elicit in my design/

    Mid Point Presentation - 26th August

    I gave my mid point presentation on Thursday, and seriously misunderestimated (sic) my target resulting in much negative feedback from the tutors - I will post a video when I can - but as ever, they had several good points and my ultimate design in mind, so I must listen to them....:)

    Audio design classics

    A selection of some of the best design that high end audio has to offer, quirky or cool:

    more cardboard prototypes

    I have a rough schedule of adding at least two more cardboard models a day.  It seems to be a good way to experiment in a fast way without many constraints - these models are all 540mm tall: half scale/

    Cardboard prototypes

    I made some quick and dirty cardboard prototypes today, which felt great after so much reseaching.  3D sketching is one of my favorite modes of investigation as it produces results rapidly and shows mass, which tends to elude drawing and 2D media.

    initial presentation

    This is the original presentation that I gave to my lecturers at the end of last semester.  The presentation was seen as a way for tutors to finally green light the project, or pick up any major problems before we all put the hammer down. The essence of my project is a high quality soundsystem fo[...]