CLIENT: Highwic, Historic Places Trust & Unitec
COLLABORATION: Guy McLean, Shauvon Quin, Thomas Yee, Alexey Efimov & Bruce Bonnar
This was the first major project of the last year of our undergraduate degree. It also was the first interdisciplinary project engaged with at Unitec involving Product, Graphic Design, Photography and Interior design departments. I was honored to be elected Project Leader for the three and a half month project. This involved liaising across the disciplines in this new venture as well as dealing with the live client – Highwic – a managed property of the Historic Places Trust.
We completed a complete experience breakdown of the Highwic experience and designed from that point. My role as Project leader was to instigate and execute the strategic overview of the project, as well as tactically manage the various stakeholders in the project.
We presented a series of research papers and design responses to the client (which involved the head of the government run entitity attending from Wellington, and the regional managers). We were told it was the most comprehensive and insightful study undertaken despite several professional consultations having been paid for over the years. In the end, all of my team members and teacher assigned me an A+, which I managed to stymie by marking myself down!
I was extremely proud of how all the team came together and executed the plan so well.