Making the final plug for the ceramic loudspeaker was fraught with difficulties.
I had figured out how to use the Roland Modela CNC machine at school, so decided to make a layered model using a type of MDF called Trimatrx (sic) that contains no/reduced Volatile Organic Compounds, and is thus much nicer to work with. The Modela required much babysitting and I often let myself out of the barn very early in the morning……
I ran overdue by about two weeks at this point and had to give up hope of designing a digital interface for the iWare remote.
After creating an impossibly complicated Solidworks model ( I would have to walk away for hour an hour before adding a new line to the sketchplane towards the end) I then divided it into sections as thick as the wood that I had pre-laminated. Of course I made a mistake and had to insert shims and bog the layers together…..very professional! Not. Next time I will pay and get someone to make it on a 5 axis machine in the first place.