Ovid Casework

I just found several GB worth of photos after tidying up my external HDDs.

Here are some photos of the Ovid amplifier case that I made for my undergraduate project. The individual waves were to be generated from music files selected by the client and sent through an algorithm that would create a final smooth waves. The amplifier would therefore be bespoke to each user – increasing the sustainability of the product by personalising each item and giving the client a greater emotional buy-in. Additionally the slat/waves are all able to move relative to each other (by up to 12mm), indicating the operational mode of the amplifier (Play, Stop, Volume, etc.) which would vary over time. The intent of this design is to allow the owner to understand the device in a tacit manner – creating a sense of living object, and simultaneously piquing interest by the owner due to change, and also new viewers/users due to the new lanuage of interaction that the casework explores…..

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