CLIENT:                     Unitec PROJECT DATE:       2008 The toaster project was an extension of an earlier brief - ‘In the Style Of’ where we were allotted two designers to study and create a moodboard for (it felt very interior design!).  I was lucky enough to get Peter Haythornthwaite, perhaps New Zealand’s best working designer, and the God of Functionalism:  Dieter Rams.  It was a re[...]

Ping Pong Box

CLIENT:                      Unitec PROJECT DATE:       2008 The Ping Pong Box was an early brief from my degree.  Ostensibly a very simple brief, it created many different responses from everyone involved.  The brief stated that a ping pong ball must be produced from a white, foamcore, cube in an interesting way.  I made many models to test various methods and came up with three models that[...]

Amplifier Wave studies

I made a series of amplifier wave studies out of coreflute - primarily to see how the front corner would integrate together.